If you want to delete your account, follow the steps below:
Step 1: Log In:
• Visit the cymart app where you have an account (Seller/Buyer)
• Log in using your username/email and password.
Step 2: Navigate to Settings:
• Once logged in, go to your settings. This is usually found by clicking on your Settings icon in the screen or in the Menu.
• Look for the “Settings” Tab.
Step 3: Find the "Delete Account" Option:
• In the settings menu, you will see "Delete Account," option.
Step 4: Follow the Instructions:
• Click on the "Delete Account" option and follow the instructions provided. You may be asked to confirm your decision by re-entering your password or a confirmation message – “Are you sure, you want to Delete the Account”.
• Some platforms might offer alternatives like deactivating your account instead of deleting it, so make sure to read the options carefully.
Step 5: Confirmation:
• After confirming, you will usually receive the notification confirming that your account has been scheduled for deletion.
• In some cases, the account may be deleted immediately, or there could be a grace period (as per your Subscription Pending) where you can still recover it if you change your mind.
Step 6: Permanent Deletion:
• Once the grace/subscription period ends, your account and all associated data will be permanently deleted.
Please Note: Make sure to download/export, the reports you may want to keep before deleting your account, as this process is often irreversible!
Alternatively, you can submit your request by entering your details (Your Username and the Registered Email ID) and our team will take the request and will process the request.
To Submit the Request for the Account Deletion, please click below:
Delete Account